May 3 - June 7 2024

Streaming Live at the annual IASD Dream Conference in Rolduc, Netherlands 6/8-12

The World Tree sprouts at the beginning --  new shoots emerging, roots deepening -- at the source of the dark waters, the portal of creation  -- IChing (Karcher)

The Deep Roots Sonic Installation and Remix Event mixes the voices of dreamers sharing their Deep Roots- themed dream with music created by the global music (remix) community at ccMixter/ to be streamed as  a soundscape in the art exhibition space during the annual IASD dream conference.

Roots are not in landscape or a country, or a people, they are inside you.  — Isabel Allende

Like the roots of a tree, our roots connect us to what nurtures and grounds us, providing foundational support for growth and expansion. 

What we are rooted to emerges in our dreams.   Dreams of people, places and things that form us.  The wisdom of elders passed down in liminal narratives.Transcendent dreams that illuminate connections with clarity.

Deep roots are the ancestors. They are with us, carried in our bodies, our beliefs. Our ancestors expand beyond our familial lineage into the lineage of our communities, our nations, our humanity.  

Our deepest roots are an ephemeral umbilicus that connect us to the  great mothers, Earth and her oceans, her lands, deserts and mountains, streams and lakes, plains and canyons. Our deep roots are dendrites — limbs of extension, expansion and connection that connect us to the universe.

Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. …The source they come from is eternal, growing, Branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you And this whole world is springing up from it. -- Rumi

This dream-based collaboration enhances the dream experience as something new emerges through the creative process.


You can hear the sonic installation in the halls of Rolduc Abbey where art will be displayed during the dream conference June 8 - 12.

This is the third sonic installation and remix event produced with ccMixter/Mixterplus and the IASD dream community. You are welcome to join us! Visit ccMixter, Mixterplus or contact me for more information about how you can participate.