“Each of these songs was inspired by dreams. Dreams that were dreamed. Dreams that were seen. My dreams. The dreams of others. ”
Words, vocals, bass, arrangements and track production by SackJo22 unless otherwise indicated
Mastered by Kara Square
Songs of Dreams is produced by Sackjo22 & ccMixter | copyright Sackjo22 & ccMixter | Publishing ArtisTech Media
I am truly thankful and appreciative of the musicians and artists who generously contributed their talents to this endeavor.
Abstract Audio. (Production. Choices) | (Bells. Goddess Dance)
Afrit (Didgeridoo loops. Goddess Dance.)
Analog by Nature (Featuring. Samples. Turning Into Normal.)
Ass Over Tea Kettle (Stems. Urgency.)
Audiotechnica (Piano, Breathe the Sun.) | (Eros' lies, Goddess Dance)
Calling Sister Midnight (Instrumental Bed. Vocals. Eye of the Owl.)
CDK (Instrumental Bed. Deeper Nights. Deeper Dreams.)
Copperhead (Greg Bertinelli) (Remix and Production. Breathe)
Haskel Joseph (aka hej31) Guitars: Deeper Nights. Deeper Dreams | Urgency | Growth in the Garden | Turning Into Normal |Dreamt
Jeris. (Instruments. Breathe.) | (Bass Loop. Synths. Vocals. Lyrics. Dreamt.)
mghicks (djembe , Goddess Dance)
Porchcat (Timpani. Breathe the Sun.) | (4 Drones, 1 Madness. Goddess Dance)
Rocavaco (Taiko Drums, Goddess Dance)
William Berry (windish. Goddess Dance.)
All original content licensed cc-plus. Other content by permission.
Thank you to the collaborators, teachers, and helpers who generously guided me through the realm of the unconscious which is rich with significance.
Deep gratitude to those who have taught, inspired and supported me in my music and my dreams. Etja Stettin opened the door to the dream world and escorted me in. Angela Grillo’s deep love went there with me. Lauren Schneider helped me make more space in my life for the dreams to come into it. Emily Richards’ loving, supportive energy and friendship is soul food.
I will always be grateful to Victor Stone for introducing me to ccMixter.org which was a life-changing shidduch. Spinmeister is dear, as his encouragement was a light for me to follow. Copperhead, Timberman, and Abstract Audio patiently provided much appreciated musical advice, direction, mentoring. Many, many thanks to my friends and collaborators at ccMixter.org who make ccMIxter the warmest musical home-base in the world.
Kara Square deserves a special shout out for the final mastering, massaging and shepherding of this project out the door. I also want to thank the many artists who were involved at some point in this project, but whose efforts did not make it to the final release; I appreciate you so much.
None of this would have been possible without the unfailing support of my family: Haskel, Tamara and Simone. My love for you is deeper than my dreams.
Thank you for dreaming with us.